Categories: Movie News

Scorpion King sequel?

I’m not ashamed to admit I own THE SCORPION KING on DVD — part of that stems from my manlove for The Rock, but it’s actually just a fun old-school swords-and-sorcery adventure flick, and they don’t make too many of those anymore.

Or do they? Apparently a sequel is in the works, with director Russell Mulcahy sharpening the blade. Mulcahy has some familiarity with edged weaponry — he directed fan-fave HIGHLANDER (and, sadly, the first sequel). He hasn’t exactly landed the best of projects since then, but he’s back in theaters soon with the Vegas-based zombie action of RESIDENT EVIL: APOCALYPSE.

No word on the SCORPION sequel’s premise or cast, but it’s probably safe to assume The Rock isn’t returning, since he seems more interested in flexing his acting and comedy muscles than using them for slaughter. Maybe they can lure back the divine Kelly Hu, at least.

Published by
Dave Davis