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Sensei Lawrence’s students have a choice to make in new Cobra Kai clip

While there are some who feel as if knowing karate gives you the right to fight dirty, there are others who respect the ancient fighting method and do their best to use it as a last resort in battle. What type of warrior are you? Are you the kind of person who takes no issue in kicking an opponent when they're down, or do you embrace the idea of sportsmanship and clean fights? This is a question that the students of Cobra Kai will have to ask themselves in a new clip from the upcoming second season of YouTube Premium's smash-hit web series COBRA KAI.

As the new footage plays out, we find a surly Sensei Lawrence commanding his students to line up for a stern talking to. After singling out Xolo Maridueña's Miguel Diaz and Jacob Bertrand's Hawk, Daniel Larusso's (Ralph Macchio) arch nemesis launches into a rather hypocritical speech about taking cheap shots against your opponent. Is this a way for Johnny to clear the skeletons from his closet, after attacking a young Larusso in a similar manner all those years ago? Could it be that Lawrence has seen the error of his previous actions, and is hoping to correct the behavior that he sees growing in his underlings? Has the Cobra softened its bite? What would Johnny's former sensei, John Kreese, think of his old student's new attitude? So much for the dojo's motto "Strike First. Strike Hard. No Mercy," eh?

Heres' the synopsis for COBRA KAI Season 2:

Season 2 brings fans back into the action with Daniel LaRusso (Ralph Macchio) and Johnny Lawrence (William Zabka) after the shocking Season 1 cliffhanger featuring the return of John Kreese (Martin Kove). When a new rivalry between opposing dojos is born in the aftermath of Cobra Kai’s controversial win at the All Valley Championships, Daniel realizes his next countermove is to open his own karate training school called Miyagi-Do, in honor of his mentor Mr. Miyagi.

What was once a personal feud between Daniel and Johnny escalates beyond their differences to engulf their students, who as teenagers, are already challenged to figure out who they are and who they want to be. Which path will they follow – Cobra Kai or Miyagi-Do?

In addition to William Zabka and Ralph Macchio, COBRA KAI also stars Courtney Henggeler, Vanessa Rubio as Carmen, Xolo Maridueña, Mary Mouser and Tanner Buchanan as Robby, a relucntant Cobra Kai recruit with an agenda of his own.

COBRA KAI Season 2 is scheduled to show no mercy via YouTube Premium beginning on April 24th.

Published by
Steve Seigh