Categories: Movie News

Sexiest vampires

Leading up to the release of the teen vampire romance TWILIGHT, Moviefone ran a poll asking movie fans to name the “Sexiest Male and Female Vampires of All Time.” And although the movie hasn’t even been released yet, two of TWILIGHT’s pale beefcake bloodsuckers made the top 5:

1. Robert Pattinson (18 %)
2. Brad Pitt             (15 %)
3. Cam Gigandet     (13 %)
4. Antonio Banderas  (13 %)
5. Stuart Townsend   (10 %)

Hmmm. The early infatuation of the TWILIGHT crowd is nearly as disturbing as the ongoing overboard emotional investment by many DARK KNIGHT fans.

The results of the top female vampires, however, I can certainly get behind:

1. Salma Hayek         (22 %)
2. Kate Beckinsale       (20 %)
3. Angie Everheart        (9 %)
4. Aaliyah                     (9 %)
5. Monica Bellucci           (7 %)

Check out the full results lists RIGHT HERE. And if you need another reason for the eminently bountiful Ms. Hayek’s placement:

Published by
Dave Davis