Categories: Movie News

Sexy Savage dead

It’s awfully slow the week between Christmas and New Years, so it gives me a chance to randomly surf around looking for any interesting nuggets that I might have missed before. Found a possible in SAVAGE SPIRIT. It looks like chicks in bikinis getting sliced and diced by a pissed off ghost.

Over at the Official Site you can check out a very fun kill scene (not work appropriate!), and they also have a trailer link, though I was unable to get it to work. Still, you haven’t been paying attention to anything since I said chicks in bikinis have you? Click on the bloody sample above, or the friendlier bikini example below (not from the flick, but I didn’t think you’d mind) to check out 2 more pics that good ‘ole Fangoria was kind enough to share.

Published by
Matt Withers