Categories: Horror Movie News

Sharon Tate’s sister calls new Hilary Duff/Sharon Tate film tasteless

Yesterday, we passed along confirmation that Hilary Duff (yes, that Hilary Duff) is starring in a new film about Sharon Tate called THE HAUNTING OF SHARON TATE from writer-director Daniel Farrands.

The film revolves around a rumor that Tate had a ghastly premonition of her own demise at the hands of a satanic cult a year before her attack. And while some might consider this plot to be a bit on the tasteless side, there is one person who is all but furious at the production: Sharon Tate's sister, Debra Tate.


It doesn't matter who it is acting in it — it's just tasteless. It's classless how everyone is rushing to release something for the 50th anniversary of this horrific event.

Can't blame her for being upset, right? I mean that was her sister. That's just my two cents. What do YOU think? Make sure to hit us up and let us know below or on social media.

Production is underway on the film which:

takes a look at the last days leading up to Sharon Tate's death from her point of view. The plot is inspired by an actual quote from Tate, from an interview published a year before her death, wherein she reveals having dreams about ghosts haunting her house and foreseeing her own death at the hands of a satanic cult. 

Houston-based entrepreneur Jim Jacobsen’s Skyline Entertainment fully financed the picture with Lucas Jarach and Eric Brenner producing. Jacobsen and Jorge Garcia Castro are executive producing.

Skyline Entertainment recently financed the Amityville origin story THE AMITYVILLE MURDERS also written and directed by Farrands, which just completed post-production and is screening for distributors.

We'll let you know when we hear more.

Published by
Mike Sprague