Categories: Movie News

Sheen’s Tron role

No, sadly, we won’t be discussing the intricacies of Aro in NEW MOON today, rather we’re focusing on Sheen’s next project, TRON 2 TR2N TRON LEGACY, in which he’d been cast in an unspecified role. Until now.

Coming Soon caught up with Sheen and got a brief rundown of his character, who owns a futuristic nightclub.

“That was amazing, because there’s a lot of green screen in that,” he told us, “But my stuff was mainly in this amazing set that they built because I’m a nightclub host, so they built the nightclub and there were hundreds of extras and it was one of those great scenes where there’s just loads going on.”

Sheen is also particularly impressed by the effects in the film, that he says have evolved beyond what we saw in the promo for the film.

“[Director Joseph Kosinski] did that to get Disney to give the okay to make the film. Joe now says that he doesn’t like people seeing that because it’s moved on so much from that, and that looks awesome.”

No word on when we can expect an updated trailer with those new snazzy effects, but at least the project seems to be humming along finally after 27 years of idleness.

Published by
Paul Tassi