Show Us Your Shit #19

I need the female JoBlo readers out there to help settle something amongst the staff here at Some staff members feel that we haven’t gotten any female entries to the Show Us Your Shit column because fangirls don’t collect cool shit. Others (myself included) feel that’s crazy talk and that there are plenty of Schmoe-ettes out there that have some cool stuff and just haven’t sent us anything yet. So Attention Lady Schmoes: we want to see what cool stuff you collect. Help prove some of us right and send in your Show Us Your Shit submissions to with pics, videos and commentary about your nifty stuff and your collection might be the next one up.

As many of you are aware, the Show Us Your Shit column over at the DVD Clinic runs every Thursday and each week we showcase a different schmoe’s cool stuff. We’ve gotten some great entries the past few months and you can check them out here . Take a look at the requirements below and send us your pics!


1) Please include any basic personal info on yourself, so others could know who the f*ck you are. Age, sex, geographical location, what you do in life, etc….

2) Take some pictures or videos of any cool shit you have in your pad, and send it along with your message to us. Make sure that every picture/video is explained and you don’t just send us a bunch of pics and say “Here’s my shit!”, cause that’s not what we’re looking for. We need some words attached to the pics, what they are, where you might’ve got it, shit like that.

3) Try and zone in on a couple of your FAVORITE AND UNIQUE ITEMS and point those out as well. If possible, let our readers know WHERE you might’ve bought them, etc…

Name: Sam

Age: 30

Greetings. My name is Sam and I am a movie fanatic! I am 30 years old and a father of 2. I work long hours and the whole time I am at work. I thinking of what movie I am gonna watch when I get home. My current collection is at 1967 movies ranging from DVD’s, Blu-Rays, and HD-DVD. I am also a Quentin Tarantino fanatic as you will see.


The heart of my theater room is my TV. It is a 63 inch Samsung 1080p DLP. I have a Sony 7.1 suround sound system with all Definitive Technology
speakers and a Atlantic Technology THX subwoofer. I have a Nintendo Wii, Xbox 360 with HD, and a Playstation 3. I love car movies, hence Christine and Eleanor. Underneath is filled with TV box sets.

This is my Tarantino/Rodriguez hallway leading to my theater. First I got my Hatori Hanzo steel and some awesome prints I bought. All 3 are hand painted by Stas Studio Art. Next is my Sin City poster signed by 22 stars of the film. I have all of QT’s movie poster framed in this hallway and about 20 different QT items framed.

This is the start of my love for Grindhouse. The first is Cherry’s gun and action figure. The second is Tracie Thoms screen worn outfit from Death Proof. Her shirt, pants, and driving gloves. Next is also a screen worn costume from Death Proof worn by Marcy Harriell.

My DVD collection and my beloved Blu-Ray collection. My Goonies action figures are a huge conversation piece.

This is my Creature from the Black Lagoon full size pinball machine. It is drive-in movie themed.

This is my bathroom that is right off from my theater. Willy Wonka themed. The gold hands are my favorite part.

The next one is my desk top, Boondocks Saints, Big Lebowski, TCM, Saw, South Park, Sideshow The Dead, and Goonies items. My Boondock Saints
rosary is one of my favorite items. I also love the TCM banner behind the desk which I won.

These are my Walt Disney Classic Collection (WDCC). The first is Capt. Jack and Capt. Barbossa and my Blu-Ray Lightning McQueen. The 2nd is my Nightmare
Before Christmas collection. Oogie-Boogie and the Two-Faced Mayor are very rare.

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