Show Us Your Shit #24

This latest column on the DVD CLINIC asks
YOU to be participate and yes, ladies and germs….SHOW US YOUR
If you’ve got a cool collection of DVDs, movie posters, toys, comic books, figurines, an awesome home theater set-up that you just have to share with the rest of the world of movie nerds who reside on this very site, this column is for you! Just read the requirements below and drop us a line at with pics, videos and commentary about your nifty stuff and your collection might be the next one up here.


1) Please include any basic personal info on yourself, so others could know who the f*ck you are. Age, sex, geographical location, what you do in life, etc….

2) Take some pictures or videos of any cool shit you have in your pad, and send it along with your message to us. Make sure that every picture/video is explained and you don’t just send us a bunch of pics and say “Here’s my shit!”, cause that’s not what we’re looking for. We need some words attached to the pics, what they are, where you might’ve got it, shit like that.

3) Try and zone in on a couple of your FAVORITE AND UNIQUE ITEMS and point those out as well. If possible, let our readers know WHERE you might’ve bought them, etc…

Our latest Show Us Your Shit entry is from Jeff, who is a man of few words…

Name: Jeff

Age: 25

Where: Sacramento, CA

My name is Jeff, I’m 25 years old from Sacramento, CA. I’m a total movie freak, I’ve seen just about every movie that has come out (not literally). I’m a big horror and action movie fan, although I do like comedies and dramas. A few of my all time favorite movies are The Crow, The Departed, From Dusk Till Dawn and The Devil’s Rejects. These were the best pictures I was able to take and the pot plant isn’t a real plant, it’s a fiber optic light lol


A few of my many posters

One of my favorite posters

Some of my newest posters

My big ass movie collection


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