Show Us Your Shit #26

This latest column on the DVD CLINIC asks
YOU to be participate and yes, ladies and germs….SHOW US YOUR
If you’ve got a cool collection of DVDs, movie posters, toys, comic books, figurines, an awesome home theater set-up that you just have to share with the rest of the world of movie nerds who reside on this very site, this column is for you! Just read the requirements below and drop us a line at with pics, videos and commentary about your nifty stuff and your collection might be the next one up here.


1) Please include any basic personal info on yourself, so others could know who the f*ck you are. Age, sex, geographical location, what you do in life, etc….

2) Take some pictures or videos of any cool shit you have in your pad, and send it along with your message to us. Make sure that every picture/video is explained and you don’t just send us a bunch of pics and say “Here’s my shit!”, cause that’s not what we’re looking for. We need some words attached to the pics, what they are, where you might’ve got it, shit like that.

3) Try and zone in on a couple of your FAVORITE AND UNIQUE ITEMS and point those out as well. If possible, let our readers know WHERE you might’ve bought them, etc…

Name: Scott

Age: 27

Where: Marlborough, Massachusetts

Job: A/V Technology Support Specialist

My top 3 Favorite Movies: JAWS, Braveheart, Superman: The Movie. Here’s a look at my collection:


The first 5 pictures are of my various posters. Some of them are cutouts of larger cardboard standees taken from some retail locations (with permission of course!)

Some of the action figures and crap littering my desk. I’m kind of a Superman nut.

A few of my favorite pieces of memorabilia. Three signed photos: Cerina Vincent (Cabin Fever), William Forsythe (Dick Tracy), Robert Englund (A Nightmare On Elm Street.) Silent Bob action figure signed by Kevin Smith. Hockey mask signed by Kane Hodder and my replica Walther P99 007 airsoft pistol.

One of my favorite pieces from “the collection”: “The Greatest American Hero” ultimate DVD collector’s set signed by the main man himself, William Katt (one of the nicest celebs I’ve met.)

The system: 42 inch Panasonic HD Plasma; Yamaha Home Theater sound system; HD TIVO; Sony Upconversion DVD Player, Nintendo Wii and XBOX 360.

Some of the more recent DVD purchases I have made usually end up on the floor in my bedroom before they get added to “the collection.”

What you’ve been waiting for…..the mother load…….THE COLLECTION. Close to 900 in total.

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