Show Us Your Shit #29

This latest column on the DVD CLINIC asks
YOU to be participate and yes, ladies and germs….SHOW US YOUR
If you’ve got a cool collection of DVDs, movie posters, toys, comic books, figurines, an awesome home theater set-up that you just have to share with the rest of the world of movie nerds who reside on this very site, this column is for you! Just read the requirements below and drop us a line at with pics, videos and commentary about your nifty stuff and your collection might be the next one up here.


1) Please include any basic personal info on yourself, so others could know who the f*ck you are. Age, sex, geographical location, what you do in life, etc….

2) Take some pictures or videos of any cool shit you have in your pad, and send it along with your message to us. Make sure that every picture/video is explained and you don’t just send us a bunch of pics and say “Here’s my shit!”, cause that’s not what we’re looking for. We need some words attached to the pics, what they are, where you might’ve got it, shit like that.

3) Try and zone in on a couple of your FAVORITE AND UNIQUE ITEMS and point those out as well. If possible, let our readers know WHERE you might’ve bought them, etc…

Name: Jared

Age: 21

Where: New Bedford, MA

Job: Arrow in the Head

Name’s Jared, I live about an hour outside Boston and I’m 21. You may or may not know me as one of ‘those guys’ from over at Arrow in the Head. Aside from the usual family, friends, and females, there’s three things my life revolves around. Movies. Boston Red Sox. New England Patriots. I live and die with those three things. (So you could imagine the state of depression I fell in following the Superbowl.) And following along with the first obsession, well… here’s my shit!


Well this is where half of the magic happens. Pretty much everything you need to have a good time. 51” TV, DVD player, XBox 360 (in HD), and of course alcohol. Now I just need to get the women and we’re good! Not much more to say about this section.

My pride and joy. My DVD collection. I just recently broke 1100. It’s a very wide variety, including TV Box Sets (last shelf). I’ve been collecting since around November 2003. 4 and a half years later and this is what I’ve got. And it’s far from done. It’s pretty much an addiction to me. But I’m not complaining. The shelf is actually custom made, something my uncle threw together for me. I’m a sucker for special edition shit too.. the most I’ve paid for a DVD is 30 bucks, and I’ve done that 3 times: AMERICAN PSYCHO Killer Cut, FEAR AND LOATHING IN LAS VEGAS Criterion Collection, and PAN’S LABYRINTH. The first DVD I bought was GLADIATOR, the second was MISSION IMPOSSIBLE 2. Ask me why I remember that? No idea. The last ones I picked up were ALIEN VS PREDATOR: REQUIEM, LARS AND THE REAL GIRL, INCUBUS, and MR. SHOW SEASON 4. Once again, ask me why and I have no idea. Yeah, I’m going to need a bigger shelf soon. Yeah, they’re in alphabetical order. And yeah, that’s a bitch.

A few random horror figures and stuff I’ve got set up on my DVD shelf. Hanging up right in the middle there is a LIVE FREE OR DIE HARD poster/header I snagged from the Blockbuster I work at before they tossed it out. It’s 3-D-ish and it’s LIVE FREE OR DIE HARD, so it’s up on my wall! (That movie f*ckin ROCKED!)

On this side we’ve got my Michael Myers mask and Blade figure, which I’ll get too. We’ve also got Pinhead from HELLRAISER Series 2, Donatello from TMNT, a signed Jason mask, a Freddy v Jason figure set, a Myers and Loomis figure set, and a Myers bobblehead. Yeah, I’m a Michael Myers fan. I’ve actually got the costume too… I’m aiming to score a mannequin one day and sport a life size Michael Myers. In the background there’s Leatherface from Movie Maniacs Series 7, Patrick Batman from Cult Classic Series 1 (one of the best characters, ever.), Chucky from Cult Classics Series 4, and Hannibal Lector from Cult Classics Series 5. Most of the stuff I picked up at either Spencers or Newbury Comics, the rest were either gifts or came from the internet.

On the other side we have my Movie Maniacs. Michael Myers (Series 2), ‘Ultra-Bloody Variant’ Freddy Krueger (Series 1), ‘Bloody Variant’ Jason Voorhees (Series 1), Eric Draven (Series 2), Ghostface (Series 2), Ash (Series 3), and Candyman (Series 4). In the background I’ve got Robocop from Movie Maniacs Series 7, John ‘f*cking’ McClane from Cult Classics Series 3 (greatest action hero .. ever), and Jack Sparrow from a PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN series. These I picked up from eBay, a festival, Spencers, KB Toys, Amazon, and I actually picked up the Freddy at Rock and Shock 2007.

One of my favorite things of my collection (don’t ask me why), Blade from PUPPET MASTER. It’s part of the PUPPET MASTER 1990 Series, with only 1990 of each character made to represent the year the first film was released. It also comes with a signed certificate from creator Charles Band.

Yeah… my VHS. I’m sure there’s some who don’t even know what that is, you know there was a time before DVDs. I’ve got about 300. Gradually working on buying all the same titles on DVD. On the upper left is a ‘You Got Mossed’ Randy Moss towel… pretty cool. So moving on…

Now for my posters. A couple months back I dropped a pretty penny and picked up posters with frames for some of my favorite flicks. TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES, THE CROW, ENTOURAGE, PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN, DIE HARD, SMOKIN ACES, a small ACCEPTED, a hot chick, a ‘What Movie…. Whose Line?’ with 101 classic movie quotes, THE DARK KNIGHT, FREDDY VS JASON, HALLOWEEN, a 1408 shelf thing I got from Blockbuster, and my Red Sox/Patriots section: 04 World Series Champs, 07 World Series Champs x3, 01 Super Bowl Champs, and a pic of Josh Beckett.

I was lucky enough to go to Rock & Shock 2007 and scored a mess of autographs while there. I’ve also been to a few Patriots training camps and got some autographs there too.
–Halloween 25th Anniversary Edition signed by Tony Moran (Michael Myers) and PJ Soles (Linda).
–Candyman signed by Tony Todd (Candyman), although a Yankees fan, he was really cool (he’s a Pats fan, so it’s all good.).
–The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning signed by Andrew Bryniarski (Leatherface), without a doubt the coolest dude there. This guy was awesome. We talked about the end of TCM: TB and how he just wanted to kill people with a chainsaw.
–Wishmaster/Wishmaster 2 signed by Andrew Divoff (Wishmaster).
–SAW signed by the lovely Shawnee Smith. She was hot. Very.
–A Jason mask and the Friday the 13th box set signed by Kane Hodder. I even had the pleasure of being choked by him. When I mentioned his GRIND cameo he did roll his eyes though.
–Just a random piece of paper signed by David Duchovney and Tea Leoni. They’ve got a summer home in a town near mine and shop at the grocery store I work at.
–Now this isn’t movie related, but awesome none the less. A hat signed by current Patriots Tom Brady and Kevin Faulk and former Patriots Michael Malan and Antowain Smith.
–And another hat signed by coach Pepper Johnson.

And last but not least, the thing that cost me the most in my whole collection. My Michael Myers mask. Not one of those thin ones either, this one is heavy duty. And the kicker? It’s signed by Tony Moran (Myers from Halloween) and Daeg Faerch (Myers from Halloween 2007)!

So there’s my shit. Hope ya enjoyed checking it out.

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