Show us your Shit #5

This latest column on our digital confrere site DVD CLINIC asks

to be participate and yes, ladies and germs….SHOW US YOUR
If you’ve got a cool collection of DVDs, movie posters, toys,
comic books, figurines, an awesome home theater set-up that you just
have to share with the rest of the world of movie nerds who reside
on this very site, this column is for you! Just read the
requirements below and drop us a line at
with pics, videos and commentary about your nifty stuff and your
collection might be the next one up here.


1) Please include any basic personal info on yourself, so others
could know who the f*ck you are. Age, sex, geographical location,
what you do in life, etc….

2) Take some pictures or videos of any cool shit you have in your
pad, and send it along with your message to us. Make sure that every
picture/video is explained and you don’t just send us a bunch of
pics and say “Here’s my shit!”, cause that’s not what
we’re looking for. We need some words attached to the pics, what
they are, where you might’ve got it, shit like that.

3) Try and zone in on a couple of your FAVORITE AND UNIQUE ITEMS
and point those out as well. If possible, let our readers know WHERE
you might’ve bought them, etc…


my name is Jason. I sell movie theater posters on eBay for a
living. I am 29 years old and a native of Mississippi.

have my sweet, and yet simple, home entertainment set up. You will
notice that to the right is a cabinet which contains the following:
Playstation 2, DVD player, Super Nintendo, and regular Nintendo. In
the middle is my glorious 61-inch TV. To the left you can make out
many cartridges (remember those?) of old school NES and SNES games
that I have had since I was a kid and still enjoy playing. You
don’t know what fun is until you have had 10 friends over playing
“Contra” and “Street Fighter 2” on a 61-inch TV while your
drunk at 3am. I get a lot of questions about the case for the games,
I built that myself.

Ok, yeah…I know the majority of you out there think these
three movies suck. I won’t argue with you about “Spider-man 3”
or “Batman Forever” cause those sucked the life out of their
franchises, but I LOVED “Superman Returns” damn it! Anyways,
being a movie poster seller I got my hands on these three posters
and decided they were great representations of the 3 superheroes,
complete with a symbol in the middle of each poster. The Supes and
Bat poster are both double-sided (which means they were meant to be
displayed inside a lightbox). The “Spider-Man 3” is a lenticular
and the image shifts from the black suit to the red as you walk
around it.

have all 3 posters inside of back-light boxes (I made them), and
this is the view of all three posters with the lights turned on
inside the boxes. Pretty nifty huh? I have more posters hanging
around my place and will get around to taking more pictures in the

SHOW US YOUR SHIT columns here

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