Categories: Movie News

ShoWest: WB Red Carpet

Let’s get one thing straight before I introduce these clips – I hate doing red carpet stuff. Jenny is the best at it and I, quite frankly, suck at it. But I was at ShoWest with my little mini handheld recorder determined to make it work. I’d fight off the ranks of TV Guide and Inside Edition to get myself a question or two in. Sure Matthew Fox, Emile Hirsch and Christina Ricci all blew me off but hey I got Christian Bale and Maggie Gyllenhaal of THE DARK KNIGHT and George Lucas, which ain’t half bad. You’ll forgive the amateur camera work (that’s my right hand extended out straight trying to remain as still as possible) and just remember that was me trying to make the magic happen. Enjoy!

Christian Bale

George Lucas

Maggie Gyllenhaal

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