Categories: Movie News

Sigourney Weaver tries to explain why there needs to be four Avatar sequels

AVATAR is an interesting blockbuster in the sense that it came, was super successful, but for the most part isn’t really part of the zeitgeist. I mean, there aren’t iconic scenes or lines that are spoofed or recited ad nauseam like Cameron’s other films.

But whether we like it or not, we are getting not just one, two, or even three sequels, but four goddamn sequels. Why?
What story are they telling? Well Sigourney Weaver, who was in the first film in case you forgot, will also be in the sequels,
and had this to say to Entertainment Weekly:

There’s a very good reason why it turned out to be four sequels…Having read all four of them, I think they’re absolutely extraordinary and worth the wait…These films are very much about the peril of this beautiful planet, and [Cameron] is continuing the same themes of greed and callousness of the corporations and plight of the indigenous people.

Still not a lot to go on…honestly, more corporations attacking the Na’vi seems like four retreads. But we’ll see, maybe Cameron has something special under his sleeve (I mean, ALIENS and TERMINATOR 2 are still gold standards for good sequels). Hopefully it’s less generic and forgettable than the first.

Apparently the first sequel will finally his theaters December 18th, 2020, the second on December 17th, 2021, the third on December 20th, 2024, and the fourth one on December 19th, 2025.

Published by
Damion Damaske