Categories: Horror Movie News

Simon Pegg teaming with Joe Dante for ghost story Casting the Runes

Joe Dante, whose work includes the cult classic werewolf horror THE HOWLING and 1984's classic GREMLINS, will soon be dabbling in the genre once again as he is said to be teaming up with SHAUN OF THE DEAD star Simon Pegg on an adaptation of CASTING THE RUNES, based on the M.R. James ghost story that has been modernized by screenwriter David Tully, according to Bleeding Cool.

Pegg, who will be starring in the upcoming THE WORLD'S END later this year, is rumored to be set to play the lead in the film that tells the tale of…

When up-and-coming actor Jake Harrington inexplicably hurls himself in front of an oncoming subway train, celebrity gossip blogger Mark Dunning smells a story in Harrington's connection to self-help guru Simon Karswell. What Dunning isn't prepared for is the secret behind Karswell's motivational-speaker success: a command of dark occult forces that reveals his following to be more cult than therapy.

CASTING THE RUNES has been adapted a couple of times for television in the '60s and '70s, and there have been a number of radio productions as well. Famed director Jacques Tourneur brought the story to the big screen (albeit a loose adaptation) with 1957's NIGHT OF THE DEMON. It will be interesting to see what Dante, Pegg and David Tully can do with the source material.

Dante will be out at Fantasia Fest’s Frontières International Co-Production Market this year, looking for financing for CASTING THE RUNES. Here's hoping he finds it. We'll keep you updated on the film as news rolls in!

Published by
Kevin Woods