Categories: Movie Trailers

Simpsons 3D short film The Longest Daycare gets the shortest trailer ever

There’s a “Simpsons” 3D short film that will be playing in front of ICE AGE: CONTINENTAL DRIFT later this month called THE LONGEST DAYCARE that follows yellow tyke Maggie Simpson and her time at the ‘Ayn Rand School for Tots’, which – if you’re an old school Simpsons aficionado – you’ll remember from a pretty delightful Season 4 episode. Here’s a brief logline courtesy of EW:

“Baby Maggie makes a return visit to the Ayn Rand School for Tots, which doesn’t start promisingly, as a machine scans her and determines that her future is “nothing special.'”

The trailer for the short is – get this – short itself! That only makes sense, right? Check it out below and let us know what you think. ICE AGE: CONTINENTAL DRIFT opens July 13th.

Published by
George Merchan