Categories: Movie News

Singer’s Excalibur

After a bit of relative downtime (like waiting for his VALKYRIE to finally get released), Bryan Singer seems to be making up for it with a whole bunch of projects.

Besides his planned BATTLESTAR GALACTICA remake movie, the ex-X-MEN director is now developing an update of EXCALIBUR for Warner Bros. The project would be a new version of John Boorman’s 1981 film, which approached the King Arthur legend with magic and fantasy. Too bad he wasn’t doing Boorman’s ZARDOZ instead.

This EXCALIBUR seems to be separate from the recently announced Knights of the Round Table script being penned by dangerously creative comic writer Warren Ellis.

It should be noted that Singer is only involved as a producer on both BATTLESTAR and EXCALIBUR, but could possibly direct one, both or neither. The consensus seems to be that his next directing effort will be JACK THE GIANT KILLER, a darker version of the classic beanstalk fairy tale, while unconfirmed rumors claim he’s also interested in the X-MEN: FIRST CLASS prequel/reboot/spinoff.

Published by
Dave Davis