Categories: Movie News

Singing Spidey’s back!

You know that musical Spiderman from Julie Taymor that was declared all but dead recently because of monetary problems? Well it ain’t quite that dead. Yet. Variety says that with a new producer on board, meaning someone who found a new source of gullible cash cows, work has resumed AND…they found a Spidey. A complete unknown with no reputation to lose in the first place.

Music industry vet Michael Cohl joined SPIDER-MAN: TURN OFF THE DARK (title of the friggin decade!) as lead producer. He apparently oversaw “Spamelot” so that can’t be all bad, unless the whole ting isn’t meant as a joke. As for Spidey, the production finally confirmed its rumored singing/dancing lead slinger: a kid named Reeve Carney, who looks disturbingly like Ellen Page and who will also work with Taymor in her film adaptation of THE TEMPEST. Don’t do it kid, you got your whole life in front of you!

The original Feb.25 opening date obviously stands no more, but the production team promised it would still be coming for us in 2010. They also still expect to have Alan Cumming as Green Goblin and Evan Rachel Wood to play Mary Jane. Specially grown tomatoes will be sold 25 bucks a piece at the entrance, bring your own whoopee cushion.

Published by
Tony Lang