Categories: Horror Movie News

Skyline Radial: Liam O’Donnell has written a script for Skyline 4

I still haven’t gotten around to watching Skylines (or, if you prefer, Skylin3s), the third film in the Skyline movie series, but franchise writer Liam O’Donnell is already working on part 4, which he is calling Skyline Radial. O’Donnell took to social media to celebrate the fact that he has finished writing the first draft of the Skyline Radial screenplay, and shared the following information on the project:

Just typed THE END on my first draft of Skyline 4 aka working title Skyline Radial. Been a tricky process on this one because I have all the character’s/actor’s voices so clear in my head that it made it hard to write a normal treatment because I could hear all the dialogue. So rather than do a more detailed outline like I normally would it just kept wanting to built out scene by scene. I tried not to do a ton of rewriting as I went but I kept getting pulled on to other projects so when I’d come back, I’d always tweak then move forward.

It was last July while working on Skylines and really thinking about a possible father/daughter reunion that the central dramatic argument came to me so that was always the North Star but man… it was really a pain in the ass for something that I think reads like a lot fun!

Have no idea how likely this is to get made or if it does how much it will even resemble this version but… it’s a long process and you need to celebrate each victory. This was a huge weight on me. And I am just happy I can edit something rather than write it!

Thanks for everyone yelling at me to write this. And all the support along the way. Much appreciated

This franchise got its start with the release of Skyline (watch it HERE), directed by the Strause brothers from a screenplay by O’Donnell and Joshua Cordes, in 2010. O’Donnell went on to write and direct 2017’s Beyond Skyline (watch it HERE) and 2020’s Skylines (watch that one HERE).

As O’Donnell said, he’s not sure at this point if Skyline Radial is actually going to get made. We’ll let you know if it looks like the project is going to make its way into production.

Published by
Cody Hamman