Categories: Movie News

Smith Talks Horror #3

Kevin Smith has been on an interviewing rampage over the last couple of weeks (see previous chat HERE), promoting his stint in the upcoming CATCH AND RELEASE, and of course, LIVE FREE OR DIE HARD. But among the projects he’s been talking about, it’s the horror flick he wants to make that he keeps coming back to- like RACE WITH THE DEVIL in style and away from yet another remake or zombie flick.

Today our very own Jimmy-O posted his interview with Smith over at our evil step-father-site JoBlo, and hot-damn does he really get into the horror subject this time! Here’s just a taste of what Smith had to say:

It’s kind of like, you know the difference between the book of THE SHINING and the movie THE SHINING, two very different beasts but they co-exist and I like them both. But when you start remaking stuff like NEAR DARK which didn’t come out all that long ago and really stands the test of time, you can watch NEAR DARK today and it’s just as good as when you watched it when you were a kid. Why would you make that movie? It makes no sense to me. THE HITCHER was one of those too where I’m like… I guess their philosophy is like, no, you’re not going to get a young audience to watch those movies now, but why not? You know, I don’t get it.

And that’s just the tip of the ice-berg, folks! He also goes on to talk about the prolonged series that is FRIDAY THE 13TH, and how today’s parents (including himself) are now being forced to show their kids classic horror flicks at a later age (pre-teen and up). That last one there might not sound interesting, but the debate on when it’s ok to get your kid hooked on horror is a good one- I think today’s parents are scared because they don’t want their kids to turn out f*cked up, but I started watching horror flicks when I was 4, and I’m perfectly ‘normal’.

Anyway, go ahead and click HERE to check out all the fun (and boy is there a lot of it), and watch for Smith in LIVE FREE OR DIE HARD later on this summer.

Published by
Ammon Gilbert