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Sophie Turner offers saucy commentary on latest Game of Thrones sex scene


In the name of Daenerys Stormborn of the House Targaryen, First of Her Name, the Unburnt, Queen of the Andals and the First Men, Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea,Breaker of Chains, and Mother of Dragons, bless Sophie Turner and her love of red wine.

Last night fans of HBO's GAME OF THRONES were shocked and surprised after the show gave us what is arguably the most unexpected sex scene of the entire series. Here's the set up: With the final battle against the White Walkers soon to be underway, Arya (Masie Williams) isn't looking to spend her last night in Winterfell alone … or a virgin for that matter. Toward the close of Sunday night's episode, Arya demands that Gendry (Joe Dempsie) lay with her for what will likely be their final night, before the Night King can unleash hell on those left fighting for the Iron Throne.

Now, while I will totally cop to being a bit thrown by the scene, I feel that I must remind our readers that both the characters and actors are of age. Granted, we've all watched Williams grow up on the show, so perhaps that introduced a bit of awkwardness into the sexy set up. To David Benioff and Dan Weiss' credit, they allowed Williams to control much of the scene. In fact, according to Williams, the duo said: ‘You can show as much or as little as you want,’ Williams told EW. “So I kept myself pretty private. I don’t think it’s important for Arya to flash. This beat isn’t really about that. And everybody else has already done it on the show, so…"

Be that as it may, Williams' GAME OF THRONES co-star, Sophie Turner, was not about to let her voice be lost with regard to commenting on her friend's first roll in the hay with Winterfell's buff AF blacksmith. Nah. Rather than tease Williams in a private post or text message, the X-MEN: DARK PHOENIX star took to her Instagram account to post the following video:

Ha ha ha! It's good to know that Turner's time on GAME OF THRONES hasn't ruined her for getting smashed on red wine. Furthermore, what's the point of having millions of followers if you can't post a boozy story every now and again, amiright? Personally, I'm not certain of how much Gendry reminds me of the Easter bunny, but I suppose that with the Night King's armies at the gates, why would he dare deny Arya a chance to … well, you know.

This has been your GAME OF THRONES ridiculousness for this afternoon, folks. Valar moghulis and whatnot. I think I need to go wipe the tears from my eyes and make sure that I follow Sophie Turner on all things social media from now on, because that girl is a laugh riot.

Furthermore, you can check out Paul Shirey's review of last night's episode here.

Published by
Steve Seigh