Categories: Movie News

Spike travels in time

Spike Lee has signed on to co-write and direct TIME TRAVELER an adaptation of the non-fiction book of the same name by Ronald Mallett. Lee said the book is a “fantastic story” and put his money where his mouth is by ponying up his own cash to buy the rights to the project. Mallett is one of the first African-Americans to earn a PhD in theoretical physics and his book lays out what he believes to be technical specifications for a working time machine. The doctor became obsessed with creating a working time machine since 10 years old when his father passed away. So is he a ingenious pioneer or a crackpot? Here’s a graphic explaining how his time machine should work. Theoretically that would work but the problem seems to be generating the amount of energy needed to bust a whole in the space-time continuum. Spike has the impressive looking MIRACLE AT ST. ANNA coming later this year from Touchstone Pictures.

Published by
Mike Sampson