Categories: Movie News

Spooky 30 Days clips!

30 DAYS OF NIGHT hits theaters this Friday and while I’m not an liberty to share my thoughts on the film just yet (damn you, embargoes!), I can say that it’s spectacular to have something other than SAW to look forward to at Halloween time. We’ll have even more on 30 DAYS OF NIGHT in the coming days (including interviews with the stars) but today, in honor of the Grand Opening of JoBlo Video, we’re pleased to present 7 new clips from 30 DAYS OF NIGHT.

I’ll leave you with a teaser from one of my favorite scenes of the movie. Let me pretend that I’m Josh Hartnett on the couch at Letterman setting this clip up: “In this scene, Melissa George and I are driving through town after our first big vampire scare and run into a little bit of car trouble…” And scene. (PS – obviously stay tuned for even more from JoBlo Video as we get crack-a-lackin’!).

Published by
Mike Sampson