Categories: Movie News

Stallone still ripped

To anyone who thought Sylvester Stallone was sitting at home drinking prune juice and watching old episodes of “Murder She Wrote” at the age of 62, you’re wrong. The dude is ripped. He’s ripped like a Hulkamania t-shirt. This is the man in action as he prepares to shoot THE EXPENDABLES in about a week. Those would be the temporary tattoos he had added on for his character. And I’m not exactly sure what happened to his belly button. Did he have it sewed shut? And good lord, is it just me or is he popping more veins than a porn star’s dick? Of course I kid because I love Sly. Also because even at 62 he could punch a hole straight through my face. You can click on the pic below to see a bigger version at Ain’t It Cool…

Published by
Mike Sampson