Categories: Movie News

Star Trek’s Bob Orci gives the fans a piece of his mind

When anyone gives an opinion on a movie or television show, we don’t expect to hear from anyone who actually worked on it. So there we are, freely expressing our feelings and then suddenly– an actor steps in, a director steps in, or in this case, a writer.

After wrote an article on how to fix a broken STAR TREK franchise, Orci came in to share his feelings on the article as well as the fans who had given rather strong opinions on STAR TREK INTO DARKNESS and where the franchise was going.

Here’s how it begins:

“I think the article above is akin to a child acting out against his parents. Makes it tough for some to listen, but since I am a loving parent, I read these comments without anger or resentment, no matter how misguided. Having said that, two biggest Star Treks in a row with best reviews is hardly a description of “broken.” And frankly, your tone and attidude make it hard for me to listen to what might otherwise be decent notions to pursue in the future. Sorry, Joseph. As I love to say, there is a reason why I get to write the movies, and you don’t. Respect all opinions, always, nonetheless.”

One fan going by the name “Ahmed” weighed in on what he thought would be best for the series, and gave that opinion that Orci respects. The writer then responded:

“Ahmed, I wish you knew what you were talking about. I listened more than any other person behind the Trek franchise has EVER listened. And guess what? Glad I did becuase it lead to 2 biggest Trek’s ever. You think action and thinking are mutually exclusive. Ok, then. Pitch me Into Darkness. Pitch me the plot, and let’s comapre it to other pitches. Go ahead. Let’s see if you actually understood the movie. Tell me what happened?”

Someone then compared STID to RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK…this is when Orci starts to get colorful:

“Shitty Dodge. STID has infinetly more social commentary than Raiders in every Universe, and I say that with Harrison Ford being a friend. You lose credibility big time when you don’t honestly engage with the FUCKING WRITER OF THE MOVIE ASKING YOU AN HONEST QUESTION. You prove the cliche of shitty fans. And rude in the process. So, as Simon Pegg would say: FUCK OFF!”

Then he kind of apologizes:

“don’ take me too seriously. if you’ve been on this board for the lar 5 years (as I have beeb) you know that twice a year I explode at the morons. today, there seemed to be a congregation, so it seemed like a good time. you are the most listened to fans ever. That doesn’t mean you will get is to do what you want. just means what I said: I listened. Then we decided, having heard as many opinions as possible. To paraphrase of one of my great and beloved heroes, George W. Bush, “we’re the deciders….”

There’s a fine line here, and this is me speaking out of honesty which is all I would ever want from anyone, also tact. Orci has to be the bigger person. Sure, it sucks when people are complaining especially if you put a piece of yourself into something. No one wants to be told what they’ve done wrong constantly. As you all have noticed, fans tend to quickly get up in arms about a certain movie or show that they have strong feelings about. It happens. We’ve all done it. But Orci is in a different position here. This kind of thing comes along with the territory, you either have to roll with the punches or learn when to pick your battles and do so in a different more thought out way.

Then again, that’s just my opinion.

Published by
Niki Stephens