Categories: Movie News

Star Wars game trailer

I have a difficult time getting excited over anything STAR WARS related after the agony inflicted by the prequels, but the new videogame THE FORCE UNLEASHED has drawn me back to the Dark Side.

The game takes place before A NEW HOPE (the first/fourth STAR WARS) and casts the player as a “secret apprentice” of the cantankerous Darth Vader we know and love. Some crazy powerful Force abilities allow players to blast the crap out of the galaxy’s remaining Jedi that all those Temeura Morrison clones must have missed. (If the apprentice looks familiar, he was modeled on actor Sam Witwer, who played the young soldier in THE MIST).

EW has an exclusive look at the game – click the Sith’s glowing rod to check it out!

Published by
Dave Davis