Categories: TV News

Starz is making a scripted stripper drama called Pussy Valley

It's amazing what you can get away with on the airwaves of cable television these days. 

Remember when only HBO could get away with any sort of risque programming, and it was mostly reserved for the late-night hours of the weekend? That seems like forever ago, and the proof of that lies in Starz developing a scripted drama about strippers that will be titled PUSSY VALLEY. 

No, I couldn't make that up if I tried… they're calling it PUSSY VALLEY. 

From playwright Katori Hall, the series is said to offer an “unflinching and unapologetic look” at the lives of the exotic dancers who perform on-stage and in private at a Mississippi club known as the Pink Pony. 

“Pussy Valley is an intimate window to the unexplored southern strip club world, where the desires of pro-ballers and politicians collide with the dreams of five brave women. For these women, the line between performance and reality becomes blurred, as the drama of their outside lives threaten their onstage personas. On the quest for money, power, and respect, each woman must make a choice. For some it’s a step down, for others a step up, as the Pink Pony stage constantly shape-shifts between a platform for freedom and a gilded cage. In this world of smoke and mirrors, who will fall and who will fly?”

This sure looks a lot more interesting than CATHOUSE: THE SERIES. I'll definitely give it a look and hope for the best. How about you?


Published by
Billy Donnelly