Categories: Movie News

Statham gets tough?

The boys over the IESB have been all over the G.I. JOE live action feature adaptation news like Angelina Jolie on a bright and shiny new orphan and today they continue their streak by announcing that go-to tough guy and expert man-hugger Jason Statham is being eyed for the role of the British Action Man in the film. Producers, it seems, had two names specifically in mind while prepping the film – Mark Wahlberg for Duke and Statham for BAM (British Action Man). Furthermore, while the film will be based on the original cartoons, toys and comics, this particular group of tough soldiers will be a multi-cultural brood of real multi-ethnic heroes. An offer isn’t out as yet but there’s no reason why he shouldn’t accept – he told Uwe Boll yes, for crying out loud. Read IESB’s report HERE.

Published by
Omar Aviles