Categories: Movie News

Stewart as Jett pic

Just looking over what I’ve been writing about recently, it could easily be construed this week that I hate everyone and I’m the kind of person who sits at my keyboard and trolls all the live long day because I’m just a shitty person. But come on, Eli Roth and Ashton Kutcher? You’ve gotta give me those.

Anyway, I mention this because I’m going to add a third in Kirsten Stewart. I don’t like her. She openly shits on her fans, and she just seems to be far too impressed with herself for a 19 year old. It’s not like she’s out there curing cancer, or writing for a film website like scientists or myself. She’s gotta get some perspective if you ask me.

Here she is as rocker Joan Jett in the upcoming film THE RUNAWAYS.

Published by
James Thoo