Categories: Movie Reviews

Stuart Saves his Family

Review Date:
Director: Harold Ramis
Writer: Al Franken
Producers: Trevor Albert, Lorne Michaels
Al Franken
Vincent D’Onofrio
Laura San Giacomo
DO NOT ask me the circumstances under which I saw this movie, but I saw it, and here’s what I thought of it…

Surprisingly entertaining. I prepared myself for yet another “one joke” Saturday Night Live movie here, but what I got was an enjoyable little film that actually touched upon some interesting issues, like the whole 12-step program thing and the affects of one’s family on their adult life.

The film wasn’t really as funny as that, but it had enough chuckles to keep me interested and I have to admit to liking Al Franken’s “Stuart Smalley” character (he is SUCH a big loser…but you just can’t help but dig the dude).

I’ve also gotta give out some MAJOR PROPS to Vincent D’Onofrio who I did not expect to be in such a movie (such diverse career choices for this guy…good stuff!), but after having seen it, I see why he may have taken the role. He plays Stuart’s younger brother, who basically still lives at home with mom and dad, smokes a lot of pot and drinks a lot of drink. Needless to say, he doesn’t get much done in his “real life”.

What was especially nice about this movie was that it didn’t end on a typical HAPPY conclusion, but a realistic one that even touched me for some reason.

I don’t know…maybe it was just “that time of month” for me, but I gotta tell you, this film surprised me. It was quick, easy to digest, funny at times and carried a nice message.

Has anyone else seen it? I’m interested to see what others thought….

(c) 2021 Berge Garabedian

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