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Suicide Squad: Zack Snyder supports The Ayer Cut

When Warner Bros gave Zack Snyder the go-ahead to present his intended vision for Justice League, it was merely the first curl of the monkey's paw. I say this because since Zack Snyder's Justice League was put into motion, Suicide Squad director David Ayer has become increasingly more vocal about bringing his "Ayer Cut" of the film to fans. While his pleas may have fallen on deaf ears over at Warners (so far), Snyder has recently revealed that he supports Ayer's passion, and would like to see it come to fruition by whatever means necessary.

Snyder said as much when he appeared on John Doe Movie Reviews. At the 7:28 mark, a member of the panel asked Snyder if he'd spoken with Ayer about going back to the well to one day present his definitive version of DC's anti-hero hullabaloo. While Snyder revealed that he has yet to speak with Ayer directly, he intends to do so as soon as time permits.

"I haven't talked to David about it, but I'm sure I will. I know him quite well. I've just been swamped, you know, because of Covid but t's on my list of things to talk to him about. Like, I support any filmmaker who needs to get their version of their movie or their vision sort of seen, because I've had, you know, such generous support. So, I really would hope that other people would get that same thing," Snyder said while showing his support for Ayer's version of his much-maligned 2016 film.

As I was saying, once Ayer saw that Snyder was indeed given the green light for his Justice League project, he really started going to town online about what his version of Suicide Squad would include. In addition to a darker tone and more complex storytelling, Ayer says that his cut would do justice to Jared Leto's Joker. As you're likely to recall, Leto's extreme version of the Jester of Genocide was ill-received by a vast majority of fans. Couple this negative response with the film's questionable character portrayals and eye-straining special effects and you've got a recipe for middle-tier entertainment. Also, just to clarify, I enjoy Suicide Squad for all of its fun and flaws, I'm just telling you what the temperature of the room has been since the film's release.

What do you think Snyder's support for an "Ayer Cut" of Suicide Squad means for the future of this would-be project? Will Snyder help Ayer get his intended version of the film onto HBO Max once the fever surrounding Justice League has died down? Do you think Ayer deserves his chance to present the film to fans anew or should Snyder's Justice League situation remain a one-off? I guess what I'm asking is: How wide have the flood gates been made to swing now that Zack Snyder's Justice League is a reality? Should studios give filmmakers another chance at presenting their projects if a first attempt goes sour? Let us know what you're thinking in the comments section below.

Published by
Steve Seigh