Categories: Horror Movie News

Supernatural comedy Another Evil begins production with Steve Zissis

ANOTHER EVIL, a supernatural comedy starring Steve Zissis (pictured above; HBO’s “Togetherness”), Mark Proksch (“The Office”), Jennifer Irwin (“Eastbound and Down”), Dax Flame (21 JUMP STREET), Dan Bakkedahl (“Veep”) and Steve Little (“Eastbound and Down”) has begun principal photography in Prescott, Arizona, it was announced by producers Sebastian Pardo and Riel Roch Decter of MEMORY.

After encountering a ghost in his family’s vacation home, Dan (Zissis) a modern artist and his wife Mary (Irwin) hire an “industrial-grade exorcist” named Os (Proksch) to get rid of the beings…turns out something does need to be exorcised but it’s not the spirits.

Another Evil is written and directed by Carson Mell, a writer on the HBO series “Eastbound and Down” and “Silicon Valley”. Mell just recently finished writing his second season on “silicon Valley,” as well two novels including THE BLUE BOURBON ORCHESTRA and SAGUARO. Mell is an alumnus of the Sundance Institute Screenwriters and Directors Labs.

Published by
Eric Walkuski