Categories: Horror Movie News

Sweet, bloody new Spanish poster for Darren Lynn Bousman’s Mother’s Day

Early this morn we snagged a glimpse at a fresh U.K. quad-poster for Darren Lynn Bousman’s MOTHER’S DAY, and by golly, now we have a sweet Spanish one-sheet for the film to share with y’all. I’m diggin’ this one quite a bit, scroll down and cop a peek to see if you agree!

Doing business in the U.K. June 10th, MOTHER’S DAY commences:

After a bank robbery gone wrong, three brothers head for home, hoping their mother can provide them with a getaway. The youngest brother, Johnny, has been shot, and their back-stabbing former partner has gotten away with all the cash.

But when the brothers get home, they find that all their stuff is gone and Mother is nowhere to be found: She lost the house months ago in a foreclosure. The new owners, Beth and Daniel Sohapi, and their guests, gathered for an ill-timed birthday party, become the brothers’ unwitting hostages.

Not long after, Mother arrives, along with the boys’ sister Lydia, and it soon becomes clear that Mother will do absolutely anything to protect her children. In one terrifying evening she brilliantly takes control of the situation and masterminds her sons’ escape from the law.

Sides will be taken, secrets revealed, and sins punished as the hostages struggle to make it through the night alive.

Rebecca De Mornay, Matt O’Leary, Jaime King (below), Frank Grillo, Deborah Ann Woll, Shawn Ashmore, Lisa Marcos, Patrick Flueger, Tony Nappo, Warren Kole and Briana Evigan partake in the picture.

Rest near as we lock a U.S. release date for the film.

Published by
Jake Dee