Categories: Horror Movie News

SXSW Midnighter Cheap Thrills acquired by Films Distribution

It was only yesterday when we hit you with the SXSW festival poster for E.L. Katz’s CHEAP THRILLS (peep that badboy right HERE) and today we have the news that Films Distribution has acquired the worldwide rights for the Trent Haaga and David Chirchirillo-penned film.


International sales agents Films Distribution has acquired the foreign sales rights to CHEAP THRILLS, the economy themed thriller opening the Midnighters program at SXSW.  U.S. sales will be handled by Josh and Dan Braun of Submarine Entertainment.

Starring Pat Healy (COMPLIANCE), Sara Paxton (LAST HOUSE ON THE LEFT), reunited for the first time since THE INNKEEPERS, David Koechner (ANCHORMAN 2), Ethan Embry (ONCE UPON A TIME – ABC television), and Amanda Fuller (LAST MAN STANDING – CBS television). CHEAP THRILLS tells the story of a new father facing eviction whose life is turned upside down when he meets a wealthy couple who offer him a path to a better life…but at a price.

The screenplay was penned by Trent Haaga (DEADGIRL) and David Chirchirillo and is the directorial debut of screenwriter E.L. Katz.

This is great news! It can only mean that we are that much closer to seeing a CHEAP THRILLS release date. Now, if we could only get a trailer shot our way…

That’s right fellas! Celebrate! Drink up!

Published by
Kevin Woods