Categories: Movie News

Tarantino talks

Quentin Tarantino will be showing off INGLOURIOUS BASTERDS to the Cannes faithful in about a week and a half (May 20th to be exact) and in preparation of that debut, he’s making the rounds and talking up his latest film. He spoke to the New York Times for their Sunday edition and, as usual, Quentin was nothing short of…quotable. Here’s some of what he had to say:

– On the title’s spelling: “Basterds should be spelled with an e!” As for the word “inglourious” he said, “I can’t tell you stuff like that. It’s a movie thing.”

– But what about all the misspellings and grammatical mistakes in the script? “I’ll proofread it when we publish it,” he explains saying he typed it with one finger on a typewriter.

– Is it a remake of the 1978 Enzo Castellari film of the same name? “I love [the original], don’t get me wrong, but it’s not a remake,” adding in true Tarantino fashion, “It will be in the original category at the Oscars.”

– Hubris aside, Tarantino busted out another trademark, theorizing possible sequels. “I have a half-written prequel ready to go if this movie’s a smash.”

There’s plenty more in the article including notes that while they strived to remain somewhat historically accurate, 90% of the production design is based on movie references. You can read the article for yourself here.

Published by
Mike Sampson