Categories: Horror Movie Trailers

Teaser trailer and poster for …In the Dark come to light

Writer/director David Spaltro has ventured into the horror genre for his third feature …IN THE DARK, which he describes as a lovingly bloody Valentine to Stephen King, John Carpenter, THE X-FILES, and THE EXORCIST.

Starring Grace Folsom, Lynn Justinger, Fiona Horrigan, Catherine Cobb Ryan, and Kayla Leasure, the film tells the story of what happens when 

a skeptical grad student and a renowned paranormal specialist investigate a potentially haunted home, and the troubled, young woman inside whose affliction may be beyond their realm.

A collaboration between Seven Oaks Films and Intimation Productions, …IN THE DARK was produced by Jesse R. Tendler, executive produced by Sital Sal Jain, and line produced by Lee Gillentine. 

A teaser trailer and a poster for the film have made their way online, and judging by what's on display here …IN THE DARK looks stylishly made and quite promising. I'm in to see how the full movie turns out. Spaltro certainly drew inspiration from some great sources for it.

Published by
Cody Hamman