Categories: Horror Movie Trailers

Teaser trailer for James Franco’s adaptation of Cormac McCarthy’s Child of God

Several years ago it was suggested to me that I find and read Cormac McCarthy's CHILD OF GOD. I found it to be a powerful yet disturbingly horrific novel that, while certainly not for everyone, deserved to be discovered by more readers who were looking for something both haunting and brilliant. I was excited to hear that actor-turned-director James Franco was taking a shot at bringing McCarthy's tale to the screen and today we have the teaser trailer for CHILD OF GOD for you to check out below.

I've always felt that the novel fit squarely into the 'horror' genre as it ventured into some dark and disturbing places. I'm talking serial killing, necrophilia, isolation, violent depravity, the works. McCarthy is no stranger to darker and bleak stories, having written NO COUNTRY FOR OLD MEN and 2009's THE ROAD. Hopefully this adaptation will retain most of the source materials darker elements to deliver the same shocking experience for viewers that many readers experienced when they cracked the book open.

A dispossessed, violent man who's life is a disastrous attempt to exist outside the social order. Successively deprived of parents and homes and with few other ties, Ballard descends literally and figuratively to the level of a cave dweller as he falls deeper into crime and degradation.

CHILD OF GOD stars Franco, Scott Haze, Tim Blake Nelson and Jim Parrack. The film premieres this week in competition in Venice before screening as a special presentation at the Toronto International Film Festival.

Published by
Kevin Woods