Categories: Interviews

Ted K Interview: Sharlto Copley and Tony Stone discuss their Unabomber movie

Movies about The Unabomber have been aplenty since the capture of Ted Kaczynski in the 1990s. After a two-decade campaign of terror, the resulting stories told have all treated the tale like a serial killer story or a horror movie. Ted K takes a much different approach and looks at the life of the terrorist through the lens of his own words. Filmed on location in Montana on the place where Kaczynski’s cabin once stood, Ted K is simultaneously a beautifully shot film and a disturbing glimpse into the mind of a murderer.

I got the chance to interview Ted K director Tony Stone and star Sharlto Copley. Copley, best known for his turns in District 9, The A-Team, and Oldboy, discussed how he got into the mindset of playing a person like Ted and whether he did any research on mental illness for the role. Director Tony Stone talked about his approach to telling this story differently than the countless movies and shows that have tackled the same material. We also talked about the absolutely brilliant score by Blanck Mass and how that collaboration came to be. You can check out the entire interview in the embed above.

After watching our interviews with Sharlto Copley and Tony Stone, Ted K is available for you to watch on-demand and in theaters.

Published by
Alex Maidy