Categories: Movie News

Teen Titans TV series featuring Nightwing will receive pilot in 2015

If you're enjoying what DC is bringing audiences on TV in terms of Arrow and The Flash, get ready for an ensemble effort in the form of a live-action Teen Titans! Chief Creative Officer of DC, Geoff Johns, confirmed that the pilot is going into production next year. As you can see below, DC fan Kyle Reis took to Twitter to ask Johns the improtant questions and Johns was kind enough to respond. Nice goin', Reis! You can check out the brief Twitter exchange below.

If you've been out of the loop, both Arrow and most notably The Flash have been receiving some great word of mouth as of late. We also recently learned that Mark Hamill will reprise his role as The Trickster on the latter show. Sounds like DC has a pretty good handle on their properties when it comes to this medium, so here's hoping that Teen Titans breaks the mold of what can be done in terms of comic book television shows. Since everyone is pretty familiar with Batman, I feel Nightwing could be a great anchor in which to ground audiences while other, more obscure, superheroes are brought into the fold.

Published by
Sean Wist