Categories: Movie News

Terminators trailer

You have to give The Asylum credit — they’ve mastered the art of the ripoff. These 21st century hucksters churn out an impressive number of chump-ready “mockbusters” (or “knockbusters”), low-budget DVD flicks solely designed to mimic upcoming high-profile genre movies.

These cheapie imitators are conveniently released to video shelves when their legit counterpart hits theaters, and they almost always feature lawsuit-skirting cover art and titles (examples include AVH: ALIEN VS HUNTER, I AM OMEGA, DEATH RACERS, THE DAY EARTH STOPPED, and so many more), familiar C-list actors, shoddy special effects, and filmmaking that varies between borderline competent and amusingly terrible.

The trailer for their latest thinly disguised forgery THE TERMINATORS can be found below. Enjoy!

Published by
Dave Davis