Categories: Horror Movie News

Texas Chainsaw Massacre and Saw-based DLC coming to Call of Duty!

So this might be cool! Apparently game files for CALL OF DUTY: MODERN WARFARE show that there are two horror-themed operator packs coming later this month, one for TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE and the other for the SAW series! This will include skins, weapons, vehicles, and stickers based on each respective franchise, and the packs themselves will cost 2.400 GP.

Now this isn't entirely unprecedented, as CALL OF DUTY has a whole zombie sub-genre, and Leatherface even once showed up in MORTAL KOMBAT X to duke it out with other horror legends like Jason Voorhees and the Xenomorph from ALIEN. 

Anyway, here's what the packs will look like:

Meanwhile, while these packs haven't been officially announced, expect one shortly before Halloween!

So what do you guys think? Fans of CALL OF DUTY? And if so, how do you feel about the new operator packs? Either way, sound off below!

Published by
Damion Damaske