Categories: Horror Movie News

That Bigfoot Show: Ranking the 20 best Bigfoot videos on YouTube

It's time for a new episode of our video series That Bigfoot Show, and for this episode host Taylor James Johnson has been searching through YouTube and going down its rabbit holes so he could put together a list of the 20 best Bigfoot videos that can be found on there. To hear which ones he felt are the best and why, and to find out which video he thinks is the #1 best Bigfoot video on YouTube, watch the episode in the embed above!

If you have any recommendations for videos you feel are among the 20 best Bigfoot videos on YouTube, leave a comment below and let us know what these videos are so we can check them out, too.

Here's what That Bigfoot Show is all about: 

Hey, it’s That Bigfoot Show! Yea, that one! Just like these mysterious creatures, this show will keep you guessing. Prepare for fun yet informative content about the legend that is Sasquatch aka Bigfoot… or whatever you want to call them. “That Bigfoot Show” will cover everything from recent activity, historic sightings, pop cultural impact & even interviews with witnesses and cryptozoologists who have encountered and studied these majestic hairy beasts. This is a series for believers and skeptics alike (even though the skeptics are wrong) and will try our very best to take an honest look at the worldwide phenomenon that is Bigfoot… because this is That Bigfoot Show! Yea, that one. 

The series is Written, Edited, and Narrated by Taylor James Johnson. It's Produced by Jason Hewlett and Executive Produced by Berge Garabedian.

A few of the previous episodes of That Bigfoot Show can be seen below. To see more, head over to the Paranormal Network YouTube channel, which is dedicated to things like UFOs, hauntings, and cryptids, and subscribe while you're there!

Published by
Cody Hamman