Categories: Movie News

That black & white version of Mad Max: Fury Road may finally be on the way

No one likes to be teased with the prospect of something that may never come to be.

We hear about the cool thing. We want the cool thing. But, if we never have a chance to get our hands to get the cool thing, then disappointment reigns supreme.

That’s been the case with MAD MAX: FURY ROAD, and this black and white version of the film that George Miller has said is the best way to view his masterpiece. Well, when you hype up an already highly regarded movie like that, people begin to wonder why they haven’t gotten a chance to see it in such a way if that’s the optimal version. And once that desire plants its seed in our fan minds, we wonder when the what-if will turn into a reality.

It looks like the answer for the black and white MAD MAX: FURY ROAD is very soon, with George Miller finally explaining to the Los Angeles Times why it hasn’t been made available to the general public to this point and when we can hope to expect it.

The best version of Road Warrior was what we called a ‘slash dupe,’ a cheap, black-and-white version of the movie for the composer. Something about it seemed more authentic and elemental. So I asked Eric Whipp, the [Fury Road] colorist, ‘Can I see some scenes in black and white with quite a bit of contrast?’ They looked great. So I said to the guys at Warners, “Can we put a black-and-white version on the DVD?” There wasn’t enough room. [It’ll end up] on another version with commentary and other features.

There are no details as to when that Special Edition disc will go up for sale or when Warner Bros. has it scheduled on their home release calendar, but I would imagine it’ll be sometime before the year is out at the very least, so there… 2016 has another positive thing for you to look forward to with anticipation.

Published by
Billy Donnelly