Categories: Horror Movie News

The Bleeding Joystick (May 31, 2012)

Metro: Last Light Trailer Released

Recently, the Metro: Last Light trailer was posted, and it’s live
action. It’s the follow-up to Metro 2033, a game that was pretty
underrated, in my view.

Check out the trailer here:

This post-apocalyptic shooter deals with nuclear war that has
practically destroyed the earth, leaving the citizens of Moscow to hide
out in the tunnels beneath the earth.

The trailer itself deals with what happened the day the nukes fell from
the sky as people scramble to the tunnels. In a clever foreshadowing
twist, we get to see a bit of what our hero looks like. Check out this
trailer here:

I have two downloadable copies
of the original game, Metro 2033
available to give away. Leave
a comment down below, let me know what you think of the trailer. I’ll
give ’em away at random to two lucky readers.

GTA 5 Expected to Perform Admirably

I know it’s not exactly horror related, but almost anyone who plays
video games should be excited to hear that Grand Theft Auto 5 is on the
way..and believe it or not, it’s expected to be big. Really big.

Analyst Arvind Bhatia announced that he expects the game to hit shelves
in the first quarter of 2013, and that it is expected to sell over 14
million copies. That’s a lot of copies.

To give you a bit of context, smash hit GTA 4 has sold almost 20
million copies since April of 2008. This could be a great period for
Take Two and Rockstar. The only other game Rockstar has released this
year is Max Payne 3, which is coincidentally also awesome.

Dead Space (please)?

Take it with a grain of salt, but it looks like we might be lucky
enough to get a new Dead Space title within the next year. Game
Informer caught wind of a hint subtly dropped during a conference call
EA had with some investors, mentioning Dead Space as one of a few
“Blockbuster Brands” that would bring a new title in the upcoming
fiscal year (meaning before March 31, 2013).

This might just be smoke, we might have to wait for June’s E3
convention to find the truth. It might end up as Dead Space 3, it might
simply be a spinoff, as a few of those are on the way as well. Either
way, bring me more Dead Space..I friggin’ love those games.

Aliens? Wii U!

You may or may not have heard that there’s a new Aliens game coming
out soon. Yep, it’s Aliens: Colonial Marines, and it’s scheduled to hit
shelves on February 12, 2013 for the current-gen consoles and PC. When
the WII U comes out, it’ll get a version of the game too.

It’s coming from Gearbox software (creators of the Brothers in Arms and
Borderlands games), and the coolest part of this tidbit is that senior
producer Brian Burleson is saying that the Wii U version will be the
“better” version of the game because of the more modern technology
inside the upcoming console. This is some cool news, knowing that
Nintendo may actually be ahead of the game for once.

Looking forward to both some Alien blasting action, and the smooth,
silky processing power of the upcoming Wii U.

Doom BFG Edition Coming Soon!

Bethesda just announced that they’re going to be busting out the
Doom 3 BFG edition for the Xbox 360, PC and PlayStation 3 (ironically
enough, that’s the PS3’s first taste of anything Doom!). It includes
the original game, the add-on Resurrection of Evil, and a whole new 7
level pack called The Lost Mission. No release date yet, but it’s
expected to hit in 2012.

Check out this trailer from Machinima:

This is exciting news, as the Doom series has always been a longtime
favorite for horror fans and action gamers everywhere. This isn’t just
any old port though, as this one is totally remastered for 3D, will
sport 5.1 surround sound and other bells and whistles along with the
original versions of both Doom and Doom 2!I’m pretty pumped about that.
It seems like a good total package (and then some), all in the name of
getting hyped for the forthcoming Doom 4.

Keep your eyes peeled for more horror (and badass) video game news at it comes in! And
comment below for your chance to win a copy of Metro 2033!

Published by
Andre Manseau