Categories: Horror Movie News

The Dare, starring Richard Brake and a masked psycho, now on VOD

Richard Brake had nearly 50 credits to his name before he played Doom-Head in Rob Zombie's 31, including credits in genre movies like DOOM, HANNIBAL RISING, and Zombie's HALLOWEEN II, and blockbusters like BATMAN BEGINS and THOR: THE DARK WORLD. But 31 seems to have been the film that boosted him to a whole new level of recognition, earning him a solid fanbase among genre fans. 

Brake has been working like crazy since 31, returning to horror with MANDY, an episode of Supernatural, voice work on a Walking Dead game, Zombie's 3 FROM HELL, and the upcoming TREMORS: ISLAND FURY. And he's in a horror movie that just reached VOD this week, director Giles Alderson's THE DARE

Written by Alderson and Jonny Grant, THE DARE has the following synopsis: 

When a childhood prank goes wrong, four strangers are forced to relive a cruel game at the hands of a masked psychopath.

It also has this synopsis: 

A rare family night for Jay takes a brutal twist when he awakens in a basement with three other prisoners. As their vengeful captor runs riot, Jay engages in a twisted battle to solve the puzzle to his past and save his family's future. 

Brake's co-stars include Bart Edwards, Richard Short, Alexandra Evans, Robert Maaser, Harry Jarvis, Devora Wilde, and Emily Haigh.

Produced by Julian Kostov and executive produced by Yariv Lerner, THE DARE is a Millennium Media production and is being distributed by The Horror Collective. In addition to being available on VOD and On Demand, the film is also receiving a limited, one-night theatrical release today, March 6th.

Published by
Cody Hamman