Categories: Movie Trailers

Idris Elba comes out guns blazing in first Dark Tower trailer

We got news on Monday we would be getting the first DARK TOWER trailer this week, and yesterday we got a sneak peek at said trailer with two teasers for the film, followed by two new posters. Now the day is here, and you’re all getting what you’ve been promised. Here is the trailer for THE DARK TOWER:

All in all it looks like an entertaining fantasy adventure. Having not read the book I can't speak to how accurate it looks, but the action scenes look dynamic and Elba and McConaughey will probably turn in good work. I don't know if audiences are really gonna be sold on it just yet, as it's kind of coming off as a typical, "guy wants to destroy the world" flick. The August release will give it some legs at the box office, though. Here's to hoping the wait pays off!

THE DARK TOWER arrives August 4 with Idris Elba and Matthew McConaughey.

Published by
Matt Rooney