Categories: Movie News

The Dictator, Admiral General Aladeen, responds to being banned from the Oscars!

Sacha Baron Cohen has suited up as his character from THE DICTATOR and responded to his recent ban from the Oscars and the resulting “telecast” is pretty damn funny.

Please Stand:

This fits squarely within the bounds of Baron Cohen’s hijinks while promoting his personal films. I find it refreshing that someone is able to maintain a character for that long and through every facet of marketing.

Baron Cohen has been elusive with the press, rarely making appearances as himself. Plus, the Admiral General does make a good point about the Oscars. Why haven’t they recognized classics like WHEN HARRY KIDNAPPED SALLY, PLANET OF THE RAPES, and YOU’VE GOT MAILBOMB?

Great stuff.

THE DICTATOR opens on May 11th, 2012.

Published by
Paul Shirey