Categories: Horror Movie News

The Gallows will grab you with this new clip

Yet another clip for Blumhouse's found footage horror flick THE GALLOWS has surfaced today, raising the question: Are there even any jump scares left that we haven't seen? I suppose it's appropriate that a horror film tailored for the millenial crowd has fallen into the trap of oversharing, but where's the mystery here?

After a superb teaser that knocked our socks off by giving us as little information as possible, the GALLOWS PR team seems determined to drown us in clips before its release this weekend. It still looks decent enough, but it's absolutely losing its luster by showing off just how many generically effective jump scares can be crammed into one film. Check out the clip below!

Twenty years after an accident caused the death of the lead actor during a high school play, students at the same small town school resurrect the failed stage production in a misguided attempt to honour the anniversary of the tragedy—but ultimately find out that some things are better left alone.

THE GALLOWS, starring Cassidy Gifford, Pfeifer Brown, and Ryan Shoos, opens July 10th in the U.S., July 17th in the U.K.

Published by
Brennan Klein