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The idiots are back in town in new Ash vs. Evil Dead featurette

A jolly splatterfest? That sounds like exactly what fans want out of the new Starz series ASH VS. EVIL DEAD. And from this new inside look at the show, it appears to be exactly what we're going to get as Bruce Campbell reprises his role as cult favorite Ash battling a new generation of Deadites.

The chainsaw, the Boomstick, the Necronomicon all have their own spots to fill in this revival of a franchise we can never seem to get enough of. If we could, there'd be no reason for this show to exist. But serve up another helping in wild fashion as we prepare for another groovy ride into the mind of Sam Raimi for some comedy, some horror and plenty of blood and guts.

ASH VS. EVIL DEAD premieres on Starz at 9 p.m. on Halloween, October 31.

Published by
Billy Donnelly