Categories: Movie News

The JoBlo Sunday Night Movie Chat: Captain America: The First Avenger

We have been experiencing some small technical problems with the chatroom. You can still access it easily by clicking the picture below and typing in the comment bar this command. /join #moviefancentral

We are switching gears this week from Oscar winners of 2014 to something a bit different, but no less awesome. Since the new movie is coming out next week and we never held a chat for the first movie, I felt it was completely overdue. So this week we are going to chat one of the better superhero movies out there. None other than Captain America: The First Avenger!

Your’s truly has been hosting The JoBlo Sunday Night Movie Chat for two years now. We chat about all kinds of movies. From huge Oscar winners to B-Movie horror flicks to superhero flicks, so long as the movie has something worth talking about, you can be damn sure we will chat about it!

All you need to do is head to OUR CHATROOM at 7pm EST and make sure to log in with your MFC username and password. You are encouraged to bring up comments or questions about the movie at hand, or feel free to just hang out and and see what everyone else is chatting about. The regulars are extremely friendly people that will definitely make you feel welcome. And believe me, they are very, very cool schmoes.

And please remember this. Be respectful of others and their opinions during the chat. It’s great to have multiple opinions of movies in the chat. I love that. What I don’t love is for people to be insulted or badmouthed about their opinions. It’s meant to be fun. Directly insulting someone and/or trolling people will get you kicked from the chat.

Like most people, I love Captain America: The First Avenger. It was more than just a great comic book adaptation, it was a a great movie. The plot, the action, the characters… All of that really sucked me into it’s world. It hits all the right notes with me. This chat will be the perfect way to help get even more psyched for the sequel!

Join us this Sunday at 7pm EST to chat about one of the greatest comic book film adaptations yet! Click on the picture of Captain America below to join the fun!

Published by
James Orrell