Categories: Movie News

The JoBlo Sunday Night Movie Chat: Commando

Last week, we had one of the deepest and most intelligent chats about one of the most thought provoking action films ever made, The Matrix. Well, this week I want to dumb it down a few notches and talk about a completely different Matrix. John Matrix. We will be chatting up one of the dumbest, yet one of the most incredibly awesome action films ever made… Commando!

Since last October, yours truly has been hosting The JoBlo Sunday Night Movie Chat every Sunday night at 7pm EST. We’ve chatted about many great flicks including The Evil Dead, The Dark Knight, Ghostbusters and The Shining. It’s an awesome opportunity to discuss flicks with your fellow schmoes live. Maybe even learn a thing or two from your fellow schmoes about the movies you love. I learn something new every week.

All you need to do is head to OUR CHATROOM at 7pm EST and log in with your MFC username. Come prepared with talking points or questions, or feel free to lurk and and see what everyone else is discussing.

Commando seriously kicks all kinds of ass. It’s the ultimate action movie to just shut your brain off and enjoy the ride. This is Arnold Schwarzenegger at his cheesiest! One thing’s for sure, this movie is ridiculously fun. So go ahead and join us this and every Sunday at 7pm EST at Movie Fan Central!

Published by
James Orrell